Wednesday, 18 April 2012

The Rhinos of South Africa

Good evening

Thank you Mr. Branson. Go to and visit his blog.

In South Africa we have two species of Rhinos. The black rhino and the white rhino. These majestic animals stand out because of the horn on the tip of their noses. Some can grow to record lengths. This is their prize possession and they use it as defense. And believe it or not, it is made from Keratin, the same as your fingernails.

Rhino bulls reach sexual maturity at the age of 10 to 12 years. Cows can start reproducing from the age of 6 or 7 years. The gestation period is between 16 to 18 months. So, it takes a long time for them to breed and reach adult hood. A single calf is born and totally dependable on his mother for survival, but Mother Nature gave her a weapon to protect her calf. They are considered to be vary dangerous animals because of their bulk and deadly horn. It can inflict serious damage and life threatening wounds.

This glimpse of a white rhino was taken last year. Location: TOP SECRET

I was so excited to see this prime specimen. Silently grazing, in it natural habitat. 

Drastic measures are taken to help protect them, the horn is cut off. 

Still a Rhino, but not the same!

This small reserve had 4 rhinos when we where there in 2009. In 2010 there was only 3 left. Without their horns. To save them!

But the harsh reality is that these killings are not a pretty sight. The following images may be upsetting, but it is the truth and reality of what is really happening on a daily basis here in South Africa.
  Images courtesy of Google Images.

Despite all their natural defenses, poachers, rifles and bullets stop them in their tracks.

Why was my mother killed? Who's going to look after me?

Sad isn't it. And so upsetting. Often, the young calf come to their dead mother and poachers kill them. Senseless. Some are badly injured and rescued. Some do not survive, those who do survive, will bear the scars for the rest of their lives.

And what is the reason Rhino Horn is in such high demand? Because you can get roughly $65 000 per kilogram (2.2 pounds)? Because it it is seen as a traditional medicine? Can it cure cancer? Is it and aphrodisiac?

Aren't these animals worth more to mankind when they are alive? What animal will take its place in the "BIG FIVE" when it is extinct? 

And is a jail sentence enough punishment for the poachers and masterminds behind these senseless killings?
They are robbing us of our natural heritage!  

If you have the means to help, please help the Rhinos. Currently, they are voiceless. The need all the help they can get.


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